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String Orchestra Literature

Leviathan Rising

(for full orchestra) (2024)

Full Orchestra (grade 3.5)

Commissioned for Quad Cities Youth Orchestra's

Concert Orchestra

Quad Cities Youth Symphony, Davenport Iowa

String Orchestra Literature

Ghosts of Bohemia

(for string orchestra) (2024)

String Orchestra (grade 4.5)

Commissioned for Linn-Mar HS Symphony Strings

Linn-Mar HS Orchestra Marion, Iowa

Randall Standridge Publications:

American Frontier

(for string orchestra) (2024)

String Orchestra (grade 4)

Commissioned for Anderson HS Symphony Strings

Commissioned by Anderson HS Orchestra Cincinnati, Ohio

Jessica Cox - Director

Published by Ludwig Masters Publications:

Wrath of the Gods 

(a symphonic poem for string orchestra) (2023)

String Orchestra (grade 3.5)

Published by Zicato Music:

Spirited Voyage (scherzo for string orchestra) (2021)

String Orchestra (grade 4)

Commissioned for Moline HS Symphony Strings

Commissioned by Moline Music Boosters

Zack Morton - Director

Published by Kendor Music:

A Warrior's Dream (2019)

String Orchestra (grade 4)

Commissioned and written for the 2017-2018 Symphony Orchestra Students at Washington High School (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Andrew Steffen - Director

Published by Ludwig Masters Publications:

Moonlight Nocturne (the hunt begins) (2018)

String Orchestra (grade 3+)

Composed for the 2017-2018 Concert Orchestra Students at 
Linn-Mar High School (Marion, Iowa)
Published by Kendor Music:

Phantom's Night (2018)

String Orchestra (grade 3)

Composed for and commissioned by the Lake Zurich Middle School Orchestra (Lake Zurich, Illinois)

Ron Polomchak - Director

Published by Ludwig Masters Publications:

Joyous Fanfare (2016)

String Orchestra (grade 3)

Composed for the 2016-2017 Concert Orchestra Students at 
Linn-Mar High School (Marion, Iowa)
Published by Kendor Music:

Darkened Shadows (2015)

String Orchestra (grade 4+)

Commissioned by and dedicated to GaeEllyn Gentzsch and the South East Junior High School Orchestra in

(Iowa City, Iowa)

Published by Kendor Music:

Daystar (2014)

String Orchestra (grade 3)

Commissioned for the 2001 Cedar Rapids 8th Grade Honor Orchestra

Commissioned by Cedar Rapids Metropolitan

Honor Orchestra Festival (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Published by Kendor Music:

Gates of Valhalla (a hero's destiny) (2014)

String Orchestra (grade 3+)

Commissioned and written for the 2015 North West Junior High School 8th Grade Orchestra (Iowa City, Iowa)

Stephanie Dotzel - Director

Published by Kendor Music:

Jubilant Overture (2013)

String Orchestra (grade 3)

Written for and dedicated to the 2011-2012 Linn-Mar Middle School Orchestra and their directors Kristine Schamberger &

Kelly Vieth (Marion, Iowa)

Published by Ludwig Masters Publications:

American Sketches (2010)

String Orchestra (grade 4)

Composed for and commissioned by the Roosevelt High School Orchestra (Des Moines, Iowa)

Sandy Tage - Director

Published by Latham Music Publications:

Midnight Sun (2013)

String Orchestra (grade 3)

Commissioned for the 2003 Cedar Rapids 8th Grade Honor Orchestra

Commissioned by Cedar Rapids Metropolitan

Honor Orchestra Festival (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Published by Tempo Press:

A Mother's Aria (2013)

String Orchestra (grade 3.5)

Composed for and commissioned by the 2001-2002 Valley High School Orchestra (West Des Moines, Iowa)

Phil Peters- Director

Published by Tempo Press:

Avian Dance (2008)

String Orchestra (grade 2.5)

Composed for and commissioned by Tom Schilke and the Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra (NIJO) (Cedar Falls, Iowa)

Tom Schilke - Director

Published by Latham Music Publications:

Boisterous Flight (2006)

String Orchestra (grade 4)

WINNER - 2005 Texas Orchestra Directors Association Composition Contest

Composed for and commissioned by the 2001-2002 Valley High School Orchestra (West Des Moines, Iowa)

Phil Peters- Director

Published by Latham Music Publications:

Eclipse (2006)

String Orchestra (grade 2)

Composed for 2001-2002 Linn-Mar 7th and 8th grade Middle School Orchestra. (Marion, Iowa)

Published by Latham Music Publications:

The Fanfare Overture (2003)

String Orchestra (grade 1.5)

Composed for and commissioned by the West Des Moines Elementary String staff in (West Des Moines, Iowa)

Michelle Senger - Director

Published by TRN Publishers:
String Orchestra w/Percussion

Dreams of Yesterday (2020)

String Orchestra (grade 3+)

Commissioned for the 2020 Cedar Rapids 8th Grade Honor Orchestra

Commissioned by Cedar Rapids Metropolitan Honor Orchestra Festival (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Published by Kendor Music:

Dat Groove (2019)

String Orchestra (grade 4)

Composed for the 2018-2019 Concert Orchestra Students at Linn-Mar High School (Marion, Iowa)

Published by Kendor Music:
Full-Orchestra Literature


Majestic Fields (Rhapsody for Orchestra) (2023)

Full Orchestra (grade 3.5)

Composed for and dedicated to Mr. Gene Schott and the students and directors of the 2022 Big 9 Festival

Distributed by Zicato Music:
Band Literature
Other Compositions

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

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